Sunday, November 18, 2012

A Review of Zombieland (2009)

This horror comedy was an awesome action packed film with lots of gruesome zombie killing scenes. The main protagonists name is Columbus, he is played by Jessie Eisnberg, is on a mission to get back to Columbus, Ohio to try and see his family again after the zombie outbreak. He survives in Zombieland by following a set of rules he created, and in doing so he meets the other leading characters. Tallahassee played by Woody Harrelson, Wichita played by Emma Stone and Little Rock played by Abigail Breslin. 

These four stuck together throughout the film, all with personal goals to achieve while surviving a world overrun by zombies. Tallahassee's goal throughout the whole film is to find Twinkies to help remind him of a better time in his childhood when the world was zombie-less  While the two girls, who are sisters, are trying to get to an amusement park that they heard was zombie free.

I enjoyed the dark humor that this film had to offer and I thought that it was very entertaining to watch a comedic twist on a such a horrific incident. I thought that the zombies were very well done in this film also. They were a great illustration of what a modern zombie would be like; rabid, scary, destructive, mutated, flesh eating walking diseases. 

Even throughout the intense zombie killings the director Ruben Fleischer found a way to include a building romantic relationship between Columbus and Wichita. I found it entertaining and funny how the film included the thoughts of the main protagonist, Columbus, out loud. It really added to the comedy aspect of this horror film. 


 Ultimately, I thought this horror film was a good one and I think if you haven't seen it then you most definitely should. You can even find it right on YouTube or Netflix :) 


  1. I found this movie hilarious as well and I also give it credit for combining horror, romance and humor with a common related theme. Good choice of movie to review!

  2. Thanks! I thought it would be a nice change to put some comedic horror in my blog. I haven't watched much of it but from what I can see its usually pretty good if its done well.
