If you've seen Zombieland (2009) or read my previous post on its review, you know that one of the main goals in the film is to find Twinkies for one of the main characters, Tallahassee. In the film, since the zombie Apocalypse, Twinkies have become a scarce commodity. You know what that means right? Our recent news of Hostess going out of business is foreshadowing for the coming of the zombie take down!!
I thought it would be a safe move to go ahead and list all of the rules that were talked about in the film for avoiding death by zombie or a zombie attack.
1.Cardio - Keep Running, you will be chased alot.
2.The Double Tap- You always want to strike your zombie attacker at leasttwice to make sure they are down.
3.Beware of Bathrooms- Zombies will find you and will kill you while your doing your business.
4.Wear Seat Belts- make sure that its on if a zombie strikes you with another car.
5.No Attachments- Getting attached to things only makes it difficult when you will have to either abandon them or it for your own safety and or kill someone because they got bit.
6.The “Skillet”- always a good weapon for the face.
7.Travel Light- your on the run from getting your face mauled, stay light and agile.
8.Get a Kick Ass Partner- get a partner that will help you defend yourselves in a multiple zombie attack.
9.With your Bare Hands- always have a weapon redily avaiable, you dont want your hands on these nasty creatures.
10.Don’t Swing Low- you want to kill not injure, go for the brain.
11.Use Your Foot- Use your feet and legs to kick, jump and run. Awesome tools for survival.
12.Bounty Paper Towels- great for the messes that zombies leave behind. They are nasty.
13.Shake it Off- Your going to see messed up things and have bad feelings.. shake it off.
14.Always carry a change of underwear- Always a good plan for obvious reasons.
15.Bowling Ball- perfect for setting up for the double tap by taking out multiple zombies at a
16.Opportunity Knocks- make sure you take advantage of all your opportunities.
17.Don’t be a hero (later crossed out to be a hero)- No need to show off. You are trying to save YOUR life, no one elses... This one changes later.
18.Limber Up- Pulled muscles while running will hinder your ability to live.
19.Break it Up- You may have alot of emotions, its okay to let them out by breaking things.
20.It’s a marathon, not a sprint, unless it’s a sprint, then sprint- some situations call for a sprint instead of a run. So sprint.
21.Avoid Strip Clubs- Zombie strippers are a NO GO.
22.When in doubt Know your way out- Always scope out your surroundings to have an
escape route.
23.Zipplock- Mositure blockers, You will need them.
24.Use your thumbs- The will come in handy, we were given them for many reasons.
25.Shoot First- Dont ask questions, Zombie=shoot.
26.A little sun screen never hurt anybody- You don't want to deal with a zombie apocalypse as well as a sunburn.
27.Incoming!- Always stay alert. You never know who's lurking around the corner.
28.Double-Knot your Shoes- You will trip, fall and be mauled by a zombie if you break this rule.
29.The Buddy System- Two is always better than one.
30.Pack your stain stick- No one likes to be covered in stains..
31.Check the back seat- The back seat is an ultimate hiding spot and can be one for zombies as well.
32.Enjoy the little things- This world will suck if taken over by zombies... enjoy the little things if possible.
33.Swiss army Knife- Again, having multiple tools/weapons are a good idea!
Just a few tips to keep in mind.